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Chapter 36: Read with caution.

I am not raising any death flag, eventually there is a end right.  Our mind is such a fragile thing. If it's breaks you lose everything and not only you bit people attached to you, dependent upon you and people who care for, all of them feel terrible because of that. But if you can build a wall around that and make it stronger internally too, you have already started to defeat anything what may come your way.  2 thoughts suddenly came my way, first being the reel I saw on insta where some said with some logic that from the moment we exist in earth, our body start to burn, age we grow old our body also burn and there was a sound logic in that conversation. Though I never reasearched it back.  2nd is the unknown element which became more fearful due to sudden talk about the movie released shaitan.  What's that which is gonna be consistent for you ? What is that you could always guarantee and turn a blind eye to ! I can turn blind eye to time as it's always gonna move on,  I c

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