extra material; when answering a query on quora.

I was someone who was a fitness enthusiast whole I was in college. But after that I dropped everything and I built a tummy around me. And after 6–7 year, I had returned to a disciplined environment of exercising.

For me what's working right now is what I am gonna share. You already might have read and heard some general framework to find motivation and believe me all of them works but what you need is to find something which is very simple and double down on that.

So I have put exercises in three department because I have luxury to do so and time to put which generally might not be case fir everyone, you may have to customise yourself.

I have put them in 3 layers .

First layer is waking up early and after getting freshened up go for a walk and walk to the park or area where people generally exercise. I am a frugal person so things I do will have no cost.

Now when I have reached park I make sure to put on shoes and shocks and light wear. It's just if I want to exercise I don't have the excuse to not do it because I lack this or that.

Generally people are running there or hanging on pull-up bars or doing warmsup of their respective exercises.

I carry my ropes there to skip.

I do some warm ups and record myself doing the skips and put up a timer to do atleast until the time overs.

Now I do have the choice not to use the ropes and not warm Up but after reaching in the park and seeing people working out it kind of not makes sense to not do anything so I just do that so that I don't become the odd person.

Also it's absolutely fine to just walk around as 7000 steps a day makes your heart healthy.

So whatever form it is you just have to show up. Rest thing can happen naturally.

Now I just increase the timer count by 5 minutes every day and do skips or other exercises in those minutes while recording stuff.

Recording is because I have the mobile to record it and if I can record it and put up in social media it's a content for my social media and also something I can show people and maybe it can inspire someone too to do things and I push another step into that and put as it is in YouTube.

So you don't have to do all that showing up is the only thing you need to do.

Rest is luxury and depends upon your routine.

Now there are times when I feel lazy and that's where my second layers comes into effect.

The place where I go to exercise is already 10–15 mins away on walk which is already more than 1000 steps in general or 1500 including reaching and going back. So just showing up there had made the half of the goal complete of reaching 7000 steps and I just need to find another source to complete another couple of thousands. Calculations maybe off and on here there but you can understand the context right.

Now my second is bit deeper as it may seem. I have many routes to go back home so I chose the longer route to go back home, you know the reasons now.

My second layer doesn't end there, I gave 3 apps installed in phone which are apps for home workouts.

I do some necessary stuff in home and then open that app and starts the day exercise, it doesn't matter if i am torn from the exercises I did in park or I felt lazy and didn't do much. I use the app ui to complete daily streaks and that's enough motivation.

My third layer is doubling down which is the second app with different sets of exercise with streak features, every free app with less adds can do.

Now I am not a simple person am I ?

As you may think I have another app for third layer which helps in streching or Splits well I choose splits and totally different forms of exercise and still exercise to burn calories.

This is how I built my discipline on the routine. I don't think I felt I needed motivation in the process but if there is one it is to show up at the ground. 

That's all I guess, I think I wanted to write more but had to go somewhere and those thoughts interrupted so as it is.... 

Can you guess what was the question?


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