Random answers.

This is not a chapter...

This is a answer I jot down for a question in quora , well honestly I don't know if you can understand what the question was but if you can replicate the question word by word except for the person who asked this question! In the comments I will offer you my professional service for free once. Well If I am a product guy sucks to be you, but in grievances I will give you suitable discount on the order I guess. 

Coming back to reality here is your extra .... reading material..

Let's start with bottom up approach or deconstructing first half …

What is needed : understand and manage own emotions


Add on : efficiently navigate social relationship - with empathy .

Now this question looks less difficult 😅

So to solve any questions you need to understand it first and provide solution, and management will come later.

So now to understand emotions…

Have awareness about your emotions.

I read a method in my communication class called some j method 😅… but the concept is like …let's do with a exercise,get a paper or on screen get a blank page . Darw two lines one horizontally and one vertically from the centre of the page making a grapth of xy axis sort of.

No. Them 1, 2,3,4

Let's start the dance …

1 should be your +x+y … and in that quadrant comes people who know about you, and you also know that about you.

2. quadrant contains what they don't know about you. Or you conciously hide from them. Like a hidden iceberg.

3. -x-y in this quadrant neither you nor others know this about you … which is hidden or unconsciously affecting you… which is one of the thing you need to discover.

4, this quadrant contains things, emotions which people know about you but you don't. Or atleast they have not shared it with you.

Also Google it for better results 😅

So like this you can get a idea of what are the things you know about yourself, what you can do better so that you don't necessarily need to hide those emotions which will set you free from tons of burdens.

You can also get feedback from your dear friends or family, ask them to interview you or create a activity yourself where they can answer you things which might be difficult to say upfront. It's not really that easy to tell truth to someone else but if its in a game people let loose those feelings, there could be some psychological reasons … thats what I feel.

So here comes the main quadrant -x-y…

So there could be ample ways to resolve it.. first a psychologist simple right a Dr. of mind.

2nd which psychologist might ask you to do journal or drawing… write down your actions which makes you feel uncomfortable or emotions or situation where you felt uncomfortable. Write down the same when you feel joy . Write down when you feel anxious. Write down when you feel suprised … like look up the emotions circle or so what I think you have a pic where 5–8 emotions are are divided in a circle and then again divided with different synonyms…

It looks a lot of investment of mind but it should be the way…

Or how else one would reflect if you don't have data.

So that's should be the general idea of understanding and managing emotions. Now social relationship management with efficiency and empathy.

So when you term the word social … does it mean in real life or virtual or anyone you have a connection with or relationship with be it friends family, associates or colleagues. Empathy is trick y. You need to put up a lot of effort to understand the reasoning behind the actions and that's on the conditions we are taking everything from the perspective of a positive mindset.

So in general every relationship should have a give and take be it emotions, value or memories etc… that's according to me.. there are always exception like if someone has crush with someone and other don't know so it forms a single node relationship which creates a disharmony in other relationships.


There is no fix percentage of give and take in relationship which has both ends … so someone parents will love their children with 100% of their well-being but child might not convey the same and let's say 50% .. child give back 50% for reciprocating. So there is always a exchange of no. To say but in case of one sided relationship you are just indirectly affecting your other relationships which results in dilution from your end to the other relationships. Because time is definite. So always be aware of these single side relationship emotions and how much you should invest in them.

Alsi it's up to the person to make the others aware of these new relationships. So if you had a single friend and you were giving them 70% of your time by the time you have 5 friends you will have reduced your time with your first friend for efficiency but this might not be the same for the furs friend because they might feel less interested or something… you know what I meant … so this can cuse misunderstanding if they are not aware of your 4 other friends. But if they are aware it's up to them if they feel good or bad or fine with that… also when you are hvaing this maths here .. if you tried changing it .. let's say give majority of your time to friend 1 your new friends whom you were already giving less time from the start won't feel the same connection you feel with others.

Wow I think I am good at this 🤣😅

So I think it's cheaper to consult a Dr . But they too don't have fixed medicine or formula but …

Someone said this beautifully

Honesty is the best policy.


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