Chapter 11: A cure potentially?

Have you ever had this problem when you remember people's birthday but you are not talking to them, not really their friends anymore or for any reason can't contact but that 4 digits dd:mm still remain in you mind.

My life is built around connecting with people or was. If I consider you my friend I would had definitely once asked for your birthday date, so that I can wish you or write something for you, well won't gift anything because of various reasons but first one is cost 😂. 

I love free things and most people are even content with recieving greetings and it's also awkward to just send a book what if they have already read it. 
I mean for me a potential gift a book only. When I was a kid I used to gift people chess set, so that they learn it and I will have more people to play with.  Ain't this some crazy level friendship technique. I was doing that unconsciously though, I genuinely felt chess is better than any gift I can think of that time. 

Books could be best gift only if the user is a reader or wanna be. 

So today is different thought,
Today I am dumping names and date of births of people whom I remember whether they are my friends or not anymore. 
I believe this list to be long but maybe you will find your name their:

There might be some people I am in contact with but I have forgotten or never asked for their date of birth, so please don't take this list to the heart. 

Starting from Jan
Now I am getting performance issues and I somehow lost a lot of names maybe isolation worked . But still there are some names.
15 papa and papa ke ek friend 
19 Mansi
22 kanak
27 jiwan

There should be people I know who are born I jan but abhi they are somehow lost. So will leave them but if you are someone whose birthday is not mentioned and we do talk somehow then please let me know. I will be very happy that you read my blogs and I will always remember your date of birth. 

3 Ankit 
5 eshan
22 bhanji

I do not remember many people who are born in feb. 

4 gitu
18 pankaj
27 gaurav/Kapil sorry but I do know yours is just some days apart.

28 or 27 itself harsh ( sorry)

22 manvi
There should be more no I feel lost now 😅 but it's good for overall, as I felt burdened while learning people birthday. 

8 bhaia and puji
14 didi

25-27 rishabh himanshu Deepak well their birthday fall at the end of this month it's confusing also rishabh somehow has 2 birthdates.
Maybe Anil maurya birthday also fall on 22 here but it could also be a month before so not sure.

2 Ufo day vaishali 
3 sanyukta 
4 aniket America independence 
10 Vivek aniket friend 
12 garima 
25 lalit and rishabh again
26 anjali and Manish

Even from the names you can see how I remember some dates but some people too. 

1ravi and shubham 
3 mamaji
4 mamaji ka beta and jija ji
5 kiska ka to tha 😂 sorry I forgot ( maybe janwar)
15 mausa ji
22 yha bhi kisi ka tha 

Also this also happens with me, I do know some days which should have some significance and I feel a lost their, and I don't know if it's my loss or not but I do feel less burdened with forgetting birthdays. 
The reason there is atmost no guilt because they don't remember mine and it's not a criteria to be my friend but still if I do recall your birthday I do want the reciprocation but I believe it's not really necessary and I am not really a friend of anyone. We are mostly could be termed in talking. 

9 mayank 
 18-19 didi and aqsa
14-15 uniyal ( koi to ) and Prashant
30 ko bhi tha kisi ka!

4-5 uniyal the another one
30 /31 lalit ( big) or Sanju bhaia
Also somewhere near munni was also born. 

1-5 koi hai 2-3 I think honey and more.
7 : deepti di, amruta or someone from tineb, I vaguely remember two more people but they are out of mind someone bhatija and someone's brother shayad. 
8-11 anoop bhaia somewhere 😅
14 harshita 
25- sikka and dhoni.

2 bhanu and someone maybe brixcella di 
29 I forgot the name but they were a lovely person. 
Also I think Sachin was also born that day. 

There are so many people whose birthday are not yet present in my mind but when that day might come I will get a stroke or something but this is whats present in my mind. There are names whom I want to forget but it's hard, forcefully removing is just impossible and this could be a exercise how to Remove bad memories from the mind, also they are not bad memories but somehow their thought reminds displeasure. 

This list doesn't show who is my friend or who are not, this list is simply a filler episode or chapter. 

Also you are free to state me your birthday and I will write you a letter ,where we can agree to disagree each other. 

I might have written above everything in sleep or half asleep state.


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