Chapter 9 : learning how to learn

How do we learn and how was I in past:
That's the only thing I can do too.

The methods to learn anything were quite simple when given, as a kid I was given exercises to repeat until I can write without tiring mentally. Same with spoken material, recite them until it gets into your head. This has been the past of my childhood and I was terribly bad at recitation so I looked for alternatives and that was to read everything about the story and answer whatever I know. But I didn't follow this in everything, like science and social studies were some subjects which were fed on repetition method. 

It took two different teachers for me to understand how to learn and it was kind of late. 

Even during polytechnic I followed my own method but I saw my friends following the repetition method and getting good marks and I just felt bad in both ways as engineering was tough. So it took a lot to understand whatever was happening. 

Though even after understanding... Memory still needs to put up all the facts and figures to pass fully so I never really got a tight fit method to solve this issue of learning. 

If you have to see how bad my learning was look at the word down below 👇
It is stand at ease and I just took it as above mentioned because I heard it everyday, no spell check and just blindly feeding it to myself. 
Well this is just an example there were many more embarrassing moments. So even when I was bookish good but I was dumb up there in some section of my brain. 

Just recently did I came across a blog/ video by Khan academy where 
The founder was showing and sharing his experience of learning for a kid and there were even studies involving kids learning process. 

If you need link just type art of learning they should come up. 

The experiment was like :
Two types of puzzles were put up
And kids were divided into groups
Kids who will solve a easy puzzle, 
Kids who will try to solve hard puzzle,
And there were rewards on solving puzzles 

Well I might be missing a lots of step but end result is like this,

Kids who tried to attempt hard puzzle become real problem solver in life or were in such position where that is needed, 

Well kids who solved easy puzzle picked the paths which were easier to achieve and maybe successful where they are but not optimizing their full potential. 

So that was that, back to my childhood. Do you know what does zero represent and what does hydro ?
This event is about the internal class quiz sort, I was answering some questions which I have fed my brain like what's the tallest or who is who or something but our principal asked a question whose answer was zerophyte something or something and I answered hydrophyte something. You can see the difference right, 
If were a student who focused on learning rather than feeding I might had won that quiz well nothing would had changed but maybe I would had been more successful i whatever I did earlier... 

That day too was my eye opener event. Kudos to Principal mam too, she made me understood what's wrong with my answer and how should I see a question but I was dumb to even know hydro means water I think maybe not ... 
But from that day onwards I was always curious about origins of words so that this embarrassing situation never come up again. 

I had attempted to learn Latin too for the sake of curiosity and it felt funny and less challenging but it was from Duolingo and I lost interest too later. 

There was another failure I had which was a result of feeding and repetition method. 

I always feared stage, but I was that late bloomer in learning so when I got my chance to put up a speech or debate on the school podium I balked out after 4 words. It was embarrassing yes but I felt something else too, that day just after me was someone else who gave their speech and I just felt something happening to me. That's another story for maybe later. 

I took that moment to face my reality and after that day I never ever tried to fed bad repeat anything in my mind. 

So this was not the first time I bombed on stage, I was first bombed when I was too small and forcefully changed to Gandhi ji costume and I cried on stage while I was told to speak a slogan of his. 

So that was my stage bombing and costume malfunction maybe something. 
From that day though I have this dislikes for costumes. It might diminish later or maybe never but for the bombing I worked. 
I took part in a play where people were vying to take the part of popular people and I just wanted to play a dead guy and I invested my 4-8 hours on that 😂😂. 

Even when I look back that's was my first successful project or something I completed and I was happy.

The Last event is something which I feel really bad about this. This is something I am still working on. 
Maybe due to fear of stage or the requirement to wear dress, I once backed out on the day of performing a group song on stage. I don't know how betrayed they felt but I too felt bad. 

This was really a bad choice even when I looked back, I skipped classes to learn singing or something and when it was the ultimate day I bunked. I was in the school but not in the podium. 

I still have this detachment with everything like a self destruction button safely hidden in everything I do. I don't know how or even why I had even created this action of mine. 
But if there even comes a time where I am designed to get hurt or something I will just quit it and the communication will be stopped. 
This is something which is really really bad and that's what i think. I think I will share this someone and maybe see if there is anything to work on that and hopefully understand how to work with that. 

Till then off I shoo.

Just me sitting at a one of the highest point i can reach in Bhopal tikri!


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