Chapter 12: exercise

This whole blog belong to my exercise goal and anything associated with it.

Let's breakdown two things 
Action and plan

Plan Is what type of exercises I am gonna do and what level of efforts do I meet to put in, what are the extra materials or structure I might require, what to do after and before that, and what not. 
This also includes how much time do I invest daily. It's daily for me but maybe you won't be able to do everything everyday and that's your loss, jk .

Action is the doing. Just perform those exercise everyday and you will see results. 

Now as per service industry standards there also add-ons, 

My life is quite frugal so I won't be doing much which requires extra buying or any thing which is not productive in long term.

My add-on is intermittent fasting and rope skipping. 
I am following the 14 - 10 ratio and keeping it from last week and I have seen some tremendous results. 

My Instagram could be a living proof how much I love this sport, just exercising everyday or following a routine. 

I am also open if someone wants to do this with me and see if they can develop this discipline too. 

So my major points for a day is :

Skip at least 10 mins and increase 5 min every 2 days. 

Run at full speed -400x1 at least
Run some rounds at jogging or around that speed-400*4-9.
Hang for atleast 2 mins in as many as total rounds . 
That will change to atleast pull up once. 

Do 3 sets of Pushups be it 10-15 or as my endurance increases. 

I do following some apps at home but it's only on the days I have time or else I follow only the above mentioned routine. 
So in average my goal for a day is to exhaust 1000 calories during these initial hours. Now this might not be the path suitable for you , but it's working fine for me. 

I do plan on learning one of the martial arts which can be learnt in home without extra materials or structure. 
Taichi and yoga go hand in hand so I will also work with them, I will also be making my arms and legs faster as much I can, so sasta Bruce it is.

While writing this blog i had planned so many things and now i am hurt by own mistakes. I am continuing this after a week or so, I am planning some exercises or movements which can be performed if one of my organ is busy healing, 

if my legs are hurts i am planning to box with hands only and if i had injured my hand i am planning to do horse stance. This is just a general overview, i will create a plan with a bulletproof method which can resist any variable that may come daily and i will be able to continue my exercise daily.
Also my goal is to be fruitful in everything i do. 

The general direction i can see is martial arts, They have everything. 
be it elbow
be it slap
be it maneuverer {those speedy reactions}
be it strong body itself
be it legs, 
even head sometimes.

there are some points which are necessary though,  
a guidance
a routine or discipline
a dedicated time

in this resourceful world, apart from learning magic which requires a lot of time and lacking resources or i haven't shown interest there, You can learn anything and i dont know how long this golden period is gonna be. 

i have seen many dystopian stories and public is the enemy of a anything which was govern or rule a world or something. I am just shitting some nonsense here but main point is, I still have resources available to me so i should utilize them well. 
current update i was able to do 10 pushups 5 times and first set was 20 but in a fast motion.
i was able to do 2* 5 push up in slow motion with as i perceive a good body posture push up.  

In calisthenics there is a concept of doing what's good not doing more, but in productivity doing more is prioritized and caring about quality comes later in the beginner phase. It is to build up the habit. 
Now one of the main reasons calisthenics is not pursued that much is this slow and boring habit, it does not provide high no., you cant see rapid growth and this is a very boring but monotonous process. Without any external motivation it is quite hard to follow up calisthenics. 

I am gonna find the mid route and that is doing what a normal person does daily for exercises and add breaks with calisthenics, that makes the exercises a lot fun. Funny thing about calisthenics is their weird exercise pattern which doesn't go eye to eye to the norm and which create hesitation in people should they be doing this in public. But i feel its the nature of calisthenics. hence comes the word free running, one who can free themselves from themselves, and seeing people do that excites everyone. 
at least thats what i feel. 

So finally to sum it up, I will be 
:doing freerunning
:some box some elbow
:having a tight fit core, can do that stomach (aata gudna ya guthna )churning

after 3 months and time starts now.
Tick tick tick

the mountains behind are panchachuli. (five peaks)


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