Chapter 15: bucket list

All the craziest goal I could achieve in future will be listed here.

The list would be pretty short but crazy, here it goes;

jump of the cliff;

dive into the lake, sea, ocean;

split 180 or more;

try almost every sport ever played and recognized by most countries{ wont include sports like bull riding /fighting , i feel its dumb and don't really like practices which hurts animal- also i am hypocrite because i eat eggs. };

do a butterfly kick;

defy gravity;

dance my heart out for hours;

shout my heart out of the highest cliff as possible;

taste all vegan dishes ever made if possible ;

write my own fiction and live the life of the character;

make everyone forget me(exceptions will be there);

make someone's life great;

read majority of the good fictional light novels out there;

learn majority of the martial arts;

get clean bald;

reach body fat under (10-18)% group.



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