Chapter 16: Healthy guy

All about what's a healthy lifestyle, what I would like to have and what's the goal and how is it in present.

For the present, its chaotic but under the numeric value of 1800 calories. This no. doesn't make food healthy itself but to achieve this no. you have to add veggies to the diet a lot. Also there are days when i am just having fully vegan food. {the days i miss on drinking milk or using ghee on roti} and this is often now-a-days. Although its not good to miss out on required minerals and vitamins but i think i am working on that department. My goal is to lose weight to 55 kg and have fat % around 10-15. For achieving that i am doing intermittent fasting and while writing this i had already fasted for over 96 hours from the days i started counting and when this blog will be posted it will already be 4th month so all you will be seeing would be the results of what i am planning right now. 
I am trying to sleep just before 12 and wake up at 5-7 accordingly, I have yet to put up an alarm as i am not really an alarm guy, i don't wake up to put the alarm down, i enjoy the songs and it becomes menace for the others. So i am on the mercy of others to wake me up. 
I am following two weight losing workout apps, they don't show adds too (on a very little scale), So i lose around 400-500 cal by following those exercises and one i am following for splits and it totals around on avg- 400 to 700 only following those 3 apps, rest my daily walk + run + skip, several pushups, hanging for 20 secs or more, 20-30 situps, boxing here and there and drinking more than 4 litres water a day. only downside to that much drinking water is you need to be a frequent visitor to the toilet. 
The apps i am using are: google fit, home workout, lose weight app for... , splits training, intermittent fast tracker, my fitness pal and fight training. 
all of these apps just to stay healthy. 
According to the app stats, i should be losing 0.5kg per week, if were to follow a single exercise pattern, but as i am using all sorts of stuff to increase the burnout of calories and reducing calories intake while doing intermittent fasting, i should be able to reach the desired weight faster. 
According to apps i should reach 55kg by the time its 35 weeks, and that makes its 8.5 months and if were to put my ridiculous pattern with some variables i should be able to reach the goal within 7 months. So as this is closing February, i should be aiming to look fit in September to November.

So my short term 6 month goal is to get athletic fit!

what will i do after that?
now as my motivation seems, i might not be able to do this long run. I have to build sustainable habits which can be done any place, any time, and produce similar results.
This is a tough nut to crack and i will leave this though behind in case you want to work upon it or someone already might have done that and we just need to discover it. I think i can work around it but it would only be a rip off and doing things which burn calories is already hard and then you need to have that shamelessness, confidence and personality to back up that habit at the same time, it doesn't harm anyone. 

the only exercises i can think of is standing and mentally staring at the colossal beast, this can help in building courage, or when sitting you can put pressure on thighs and it might be uncomfortable but its a stance. But these are examples of extreme cases where you do not even have 5 mins in lone place. also mental exercises zones out which is also not wise in public place. So this is tough to work on. 

But i will pick some of such random movements or exercise which i will be following religiously and this may take time to form a collection but they not only help in burn fat, but they might also focus on one area of body to stretch or resist or balance and will also play a role in building hygiene or calmness or confidence depending on the gesture/posture/stance. 

Lets talk about rest which is an important aspect about health. Currently i have bad attitude around rest. 
i don't follow suite which should be healthy but i am trying. 
I have not done my research but you should be able to  tell that a good sleep makes a day good. So following that pattern if you can sleep regularly at regular hours you will have good health.

There are Yoga and meditations which key aspects if one need to form a healthy lifestyle. I am that kind of person or typical Indian person who don't want to pay for the stuff which can be done for free, take yoga and meditation for example everyone knows how to do them, but building a habit around it hard and if its in a form of team it works wonder and forming a group or team is the hardest part, surprisingly also the easiest part but the major difficult part is finding the motivation. This is where money comes into play as money is sometimes the large factor for replacing motivation. No one generally loves losing, and losing money is an absolute taboo. So generally paid programs around these activities are the norms to go. 
Also there is another area which might provide these activities for free in groups but there will be agenda behind it, be it religious or political.

For me to do these thing i just need to hype up people around me and pick them up do things with me and i need to that after getting some credentials myself in my fitness journey. Thats the only challenging part. I have a tough relationship with my brothers and its tough on the philosophy part. Our views don't match and thats not what is tough part, due to this disparity between the views it sometimes causes havoc which generally doesn't happen but well if i can't move my own family members how can i have gal to move other person supposedly friend from their comfort zone. 

From whatever i had understood in life, this things is quite common. Learning something and implementing it and asking someone else to do it too and so on, every single step is as hard as existence of hogwarts, now there are people who has done and dusted this thing and their hogwarts do exists and their work and community is the magicians and hogwarts, rest are muglu's who are either unaware of their existence or don't follow along. 

My hogwarts is pretty simple too, it existence within me right now, and i don't have such large space too. My hogwarts is just me and probably gonna be me alone or maybe someone else in future. I dont mind joining other hogwarts, and if someone can believe in themselves and starting working on it, there will be no one who can stop the construction of your hogwarts other than you. 

My plan is pretty simple :
Follow a discipline
Stick to it;
Branch off a new habit
stick to it;
adjoin both habits into one larger habit.
follow the discipline,
stick to it.

This is my plan going forward in any direction of my life except love. Love doesn't have discipline. Maybe more aspects of life don't need discipline but i am willing to explore that and see whats lies beyond the world where discipline is not a key factor. 

So i talked about exercises, habits i forgot the main component which is food.

So i always been that kid, who disliked anything which is offbrand unhealthy. I don't drink and smoke and anything which is marked unhealthy for a human body.
I don't even like the concept of poison kills poison.

My personal choices also has been towards betterment of life, which included not drinking any carbonated drinks like coke, pepsi, sprite and the rest. I don't even follow up with sweetend drinks like frooti or mazaa. Even now i can account how many times i have drunk any of these. 

My second biggest choice was abandoning ice creams. I saw a interview of Sania nehwal once and she stated that she has not eaten Ice cream since the coaching started. I felt if such a person can leave ice cream, why can't i? 
so There after i left ice creams too. There have been times i might have rage eat ice creams but i don't find myself fond of them.

i dont like cakes too for some reasons. Its not that i hate them, and i have yet to try so many cakes, like chesse cake or a fancy name something but , i don't find cream category to be my palate. I heard this word in youtube so don't mind that. 
If it were my choice i would have always cut dhoklas on my birthday. I am in so love with dhoklas. 
Infact in sweet category i think the only sweet thing i would consume if given chance on daily basis would be Dhoklas only. 

There are some flavours and types which i like, they are coconut and kaju.. maybe besan ...
so some typical examples that i would enjoy are Kaju katri or coconut something. I have broken down my sweet palate into too small part, i am fond of chocolates but if given chance to distribute my daily foods i think only 5% will be the sweet category.

I have given up on may kind of meats and only non veg thing remaining is egg. 
I have given up just because i want to and set a definition for myself that i am able to do anything. Just some sort of little psychological play on my brain. You might see several examples of that in my day to day life. 

The only issue right now my life has is, i dont make designs in food plate, which ... hear me out ..
is the healthy way to eat food. 
designing in a sense that, measuring what you are putting on plate, having different colour means rich resources of essentials(fat, vitamin, etc..) and the meal size. 

i am currently only accounting for the calories which is not a efficient side to weight loss, but being aesthetic is also a lot of work.
If you have the zeal to do it, you can choose to do it. 
This is all what i right now,
see you next week.


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