Chapter 17: Kryptonite

For someone living without the superman knowledge, kryptonite is the weakness of Superman. 

Today I will talk about my Kryptonites.

Right off the bat, 
There are two 3 phases of my life 
Pre polytechnic, during polytechnic and job, after joining btech. 
In term of no. Before 2014, 2014-2019, 2019-now.

In the before zone I think I was immune to any bookish problem there might be, if I didn't knew answer I would just search for it and give it to you by the end of the day, 
I was emotional so anything which results in me feeling bad might had made me cry. 

I think it took me many years to stop crying and now it's like I forgot the button which helps in crying. Its lost forever. 

But later in 2014- now I created a kryptonite for myself, and it is mathematics. 

I was once someone who was reading Vedic mathematics to become spectacular in calculations but now it's my Kryptonite. 

Anything associated with is now trouble for me. I was pretty resistant against it until I met Differential and integrations, and later everything that came after that or along with that, all of them crashed my server. 

It literally took 2 anil's effort to get a passing mark of 40% in 2014. 

I mean I don't fear math but I can't gel with math now.

My second kryptonite was or is stage but it's on the nearest on the spectrum. I can get over that with just one week of practice. I have built basics which are needed all I have to do it just pour it. 

Third kryptonite is also on the near end of the spectrum, I get nervous while talking to girls without any subject, and if i do have subject to talk about it might be only the subject which i will talk about. You might have seen astrologist Rajesh khutrapali in first 4-5 seasons, i am not that extreme, nor i am that rich nor do i own a dog and an astronaut friend, but i might behave like him if went extreme and i do not drink oH so i have no cure yet. 
I am working towards it but have yet to find solution so lets wait and see.

Do i have any other kryptonite? 
I feel I have expressed my weakness for food in one of the blog before and how am I working on it. But until I can have control over that, I believe it will remain my kryptonite for long. 

Now I think, in social media if anyone is uploading content around martial arts I think I will just follow them, and learn and enjoy watching them. Now it's pure will to learn it. Until I become one my self I think they will remain my weakness in social media. 

I thought today was a good day to write about superman but now it feels the content itself is so short.
Thats all i guess
see you next time.

I got wings too.


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