chapter 26: Changes

 Does it not feel weird when you are removed from your usual position or environment and you don't know how to deal or spend the time in this temporary environment or new environment. 

It is hard, at least for me. I try to live a life where everything should be planned and then when i start my work i would do whatever my heart does. My brain is the producer and my heart is the actor while my body is the director. All three wants what's best for me, but even with a slight displacements it sometimes looks strange and hard to understand. Why i am unable to deal with changes easily when my whole life i had done that alone. 

To make you understand how excessive that is, I will give you a brief of one such case:

I just planned how to do , what to do for  a week, 

next day i got a message or ultimatum that i need to be somewhere else or i need to do more stuff, 

now i have not put large variables in account, {Not that flexible enough} So when these variables comes, why whole motivation for doing things just drop downs. Even when the situation can revert back to original another day, it has already caused a dent in the plan. This causes restlessness and its hard to solve, i still have not figured a decent way to over come that.

But this is not just about a time table or plan is it?

I have yet to face a professional life and i feel this would be there too, i am not afraid to face it, but i just don't want to face it as i am of now, i want to be a better person who can adapt towards the situation  and maybe walk the path of truth so that it may stink but it won't be forceful.

I honestly call this as my confession but is there more to come?



i will not stop though.


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