chapter 27: A lost tale;

 Aloha Amigo,

There were many ways to dump down a idea, but i just got a crazy idea over my previous crazy idea which was to document a journey which may or may not happen first and then try to relive that journey in real life.
AIN'T this super crazy.

Well there are two key obstacles in this latest idea, first one me being lazy to start writing my first novel and 2nd will i be able to completely finish it up. Though while i am writing i can still see a path where i will be able to finish up my novel but the major issue still is!


Before i start sharing my idea and talk about its feasibility, i would like to explain the above mentioned phrase. If you are feeling that i am doubting my abilities or i am in a negative space, Let me correct you I am not and maybe i am but definitely not for the phrase written above.

since childhood i had dreamt of learning everything, everything that makes someone cool, strong, look hot and what not. Later i learnt such a kind of person is know as jack of all trades- but the phrase which comes after that struck me too hard- but master of none. I am still struggling with that function. Now it has been above 15+ years for me to realize what’s my capabilities are and what should be my limit.

Although writing a novel does sound doable to me but thinking about telling a story for a audience i may not be patient enough or my life story.

so this was also one of my reasoning to share these ideas with everyone, if i am not capable but maybe someone out there can, who might have the resources or the opportunity to do what i was/am not able to.

2nd August 2023- 9 August 2023 :-
First week Idea :-
Seven Wandering star's wonders

My idea revolves around a person starting his journey for travelling around the world but with the aim to solve a problem or provide solution to the unfortunate and unprivileged society of that region, and not just that person there will be his friends too, i picked the number seven as its my date of birth. These friends can travel in group of 1, 2 or 3 or just alone and meet every once a year or quarterly. They do a get together and recalls all the events and remind themselves that what they are doing is maybe a good deed but they are also doing this for themselves so never worry and live happily.

i am having so many thoughts while writing this down, like these people can have their own goal they start with like for me if i were to start this journey i will be aiming for gaining smiles and travel and learn about them, their cultures, share their stories.

quite noble goal right.
the problems i am facing right now and others too would be the lack the resource and money to start this journey, aside that getting the freedom or permission to do this.

you always need a home to comeback so running away is not really a good idea.
major problem no friend who will be doing this with me.

so these are my problems because of this i can not initiate this travelling.
but if you have resource, friends, money and permission or freedom to this, other problems may arise such as where to start this journey or how to find stay or take care of the health. so you might need a local guide which can be easily available as their are so many travelling app where you find people who loves to host.
you might need to be understanding person as who does not go berserk on every unfortunate moment. things can get fatal too if not handled well in some regions so a brief research is also recommended.

necessary skills
communication is the key
survival skills like camping, cooking, creating fire or filtering water i thinks these are necessary but you may or may not agree.
habit of exercise to stay healthy.

i believe these skills are necessary you can also add skills which i may have missed.

necessary tools or equipment’s
camping tool and kit
cooking utenstils
water filter bottle
offline maps incase your phone drop downs

as i am writing these down i am getting ideas how many things could be needed so just stopping here if you need a full list of with possibilities of usage drop in the comment i will create one.

how to live a life like this and how to earn

my ideal would be living in a society probably at a guest house of the village chief or simply within my tent and understanding the problems there, creating list of these problems and marking them from essentials to may work for a while, then remarking them with resource and time consumption and again categorising them into if i can do that within a time frame or i need to communicate somewhere for this to be done.
checking the legal system is too hard if need to be you must check the rules and regulation of the place where you are going.
sometimes not helping is the best help but its only logically not emotionally.

earning should be quite easy once the journey starts, platform like twitch or YouTube or other social medias you can share your journey by any media like blog or vlogs or episodes or rights to your content , or getting sponsorships. crowdfunding is also a way. so once this journey starts earning should be feasible.

potential collabs with sideman or travel vloggers can be good idea. these people loves challenges. Mr beast is doing this already but we need more people and maybe we can make the world or just your surrounding a better place.

also your footprint maybe could be hotter than your carbon ones.
this is the end basically drop your thoughts and share this idea with your friends or people who can make this happen or maybe there people are doing it already i will find a job from them lol.
anyway happy weekend, keep building.

I have put it as it was, not editing it because i want the originality of this to remain here and if you are curious i will tell you again, but after reading this, can you see the difference between the two writers, one who is a year older now.

maybe another time!


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