Chapter 28: How do you cross roads?

 Have you ever thought how does a person crosses road?

Road accidents are quite major reason for flags raising, i mean you can see the anime industry is just filled with truck-kun! there are even stats for specific vehicle accidents, so how does a pedestrian cross road. Life is fast and travelling makes life little less faster. Time is continuous so its just your and mine misconception that time runs fast. Maybe there might be some reasonings which may state time is also accelerating but i still believe its relative not factual as Einstein uncle stated. 

so back to todays gossip, how do i cross road.

i have been taught in school time to double check left and right at the road before crossing it. Subconsciously zebra crossing is the safest path on the road, so i always look for one while crossing roads. I only have been in one accident and it was also my crazy situation, I was not in the right block of mind and a bit uncertain of what i was feeling and well nothing much happened later in life. At least i am more aware now to walk the road with clear mind. 

There are also advices out there to walk it out if you feel something and i do not adhere to that. you need to be aware and conscious of your situation when going in public. 

For me a general process of crossing a road has some important factors:

How fast i can run at that time!

Running fast is never the solution its just a last backup for anything.

Where can i jump or lunge to if anything happens 
its quite rare to be prepared for all time but i do have check points where if something were to happen as it more accident prone spot i can jump or lunge . Mostly i try to avoid such points.

Whats the time it will take for the vehicle to cross me, if its more than 10 secs thats only when i cross road be it fast walk or run, 

I use my hands a lot to sign that could you slow down or wait... which does not really makes sense but its a habit, I do check for sounds too if there is something coming from far back...

I do pick the path where is low entry points so that i am aware of where could the issue could arise from if ever were to happen. 

I still have some bad habits while walking a road and i will work on them, Till then i wish you safe walk.


a beautiful morning.


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