Chapter 30: Prespective

 Well i thought i was a very learnt guy as one who looks things with lots of perspective but today i understood there is a lot that i am lacking, i am just a fish in a pond, I understood that i am doing what others were doing and it might be on minimal level but it was there, judgemental perspective.

A friend shared a music video link and I wondered what's special about that. I skimmed through the music video, I felt it was not surprising of didn't felt the vibe that comes with exceptional songs but I still thought I mean there should be something more to this right?

Or why would they send this..

I looked through the credits to see if their name was written somewhere and alas that was also a false alarm. So I just hearted the message as to signal I received the message and loved the intention of sharing the message or the message itself ( upto to the reciver perception) 

Eventually after a week I thought well I should just ask them what was special there and their answer showed me how lacking was I in term of perceiving information. I ain't a robot or ai so it's natural that I will miss major povs which I don't relate too, but that was one thing I was proud of for myself. I felt I am special enough to understand intent of people action without asking for the reasoning... 

I mean I don't blame people for what they did until the last moment, benefit of doubts or my ability to perceive reasoning...

I do know it's easy and best most if the time to just ask questions be it stupid or makes you dumb in front of others or other emotions.... In extreme cases.  

But it is hard to put to practice, due to having created a self image which I myself perceived to be intelligent one and proving that I still have some traits which I can work upon to be a better person. 

From then on, I now believe in asking questions whether it affects anything I leave it upto the reciver. 



Something different was happening at that time.


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