Chapter 32: compliments maybe not

I will be complimenting and criticizing every friend I ever made till now and account each person be it just for a sec.
I will also account teachers, elders, juniors and class mates.

0-10 years old

I don't have mych memory in this period:-
I know someone name Sachin lived there and his characteristics were he can eat raw bitter guard and bad habit eating raw soya chunks. 

I met my relatives pretty early, they were uncle in relation but pretty smaller than me, Now that I am writing I feel it's just too much vulnerability to share. 

Let's leave the real names,I joined 4 school in this period I remember some teachers they were all postives so nothing to complain about them but maybe a slight push was over for girls which made me afraid of girls in my 4 years of schooling at small school. 

In 6th class I had only 3 classmates and it was a wonderful time, no competition and our friendship just ended there too, maybe I was not keen on remembering them but it does feel like a loss. Anyway I hope they are doing well in life. My seniors there were pretty interesting people and helpful by nature. I just feel too much emotional while thinking and writing about it, but I will Savour these emotions while you enjoy my crypt writing. Or you can skip this one. 
Meanwhile I did have a toxic friend or that person was a bit toxic... I can't even define now why was he toxic but it does felt like that somehow. He moved house so nothing happened later, it cold and sorted. 

My schooling in bloom was a bit messy and eye opener and maybe just a lofty one.
Do I need to flex my memory to remember everyone, I don't right.

Let's skip to the good part.

I mean what would I be left with if I don't follow what I wanted to write about. 

But I won't send you blank canvas.

It's kind of given that life was easy on me. 
I met wonderful people, hardworking, smart people everywhere. Or it maybe just me being smart enough to meet them but who knows. 

I think imposter syndrome is something which I feel I should not have but exist somewhere and maybe not, but there is a significance. 

I was not able to put my position in my life , and I just went with whatever I wanted in the moment in my life. It was wild experience and healthy over that but not productive for a person like me. I was genuinely happy but it was a path of doom for me. 

I lost whatever that built me from childhood in the race of living life. 
I am restarting now, I hope to do well and become the best me everyday so that you can be proud of me. As I am proud to be your friend, I don't know if you consider me your friend or not. But If I ever knew you, I remember you and I got your name for sure if not back.

Name is what we all want to remember right. 
Keep writing

I too will go videsh and people will click selfies with me 🐢


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